Dr. Goodheart's Flirting Hints
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Dr. Goodheart's Flirting Hints for Dating Success

Spice it Up!
10 Tips to Help You Re-Ignite That 'Ol Flame

1. Feminista: Ladies, spark things up by being the aggressor every once in a while.  Rather than waiting for your man to make the move, get assertive and initiate a randy rendezous.

2. Playtime:  Bring some outside 'stimulants' into the bedroom for some extra fun foreplay.

3. Destination Anywhere:  Rather than keeping your intimate moments in the bedroom, unlock your passionate whimsy and feel free to do it anywhere, within reason, literally: tabletops, bathrooms, even semi-private affairs put a whole new spin on sack sessions.

4. Everlasting Love:  Rather than rushing through the deed, slow things down and take your time.  Give sex more than 15 minutes and you'll be surprised at the newfound intensity!

5. Laugh:  Instead of taking sex so seriously, have fun with it.  The lighthearted experience just may be the missing link to that loveable connection you've lost.

6. Surrender:  That's right, ladies, completely relinquish control and let yourself be taken'the effect is more than intense!

7. Daydream:  Turn your flirty sack sessions into dreamland by acting out your most flirtatious sex fantasies.  To be fair, enact one of each of your visions to double the fun!

8. Take a Trip Down Under:  Travel down 'South,' and explore, really explore all the intricate places that are normally ignored in lieu of quick romps.  Give each other the 'private' time you each deserve!

9. High Five:  God gave us two hands and ten fingers, use all of the above to heighten tantalizing touches and kick foreplay in high gear. 

10. Dinner and a Movie:  For those of you comfortable enough to record your intimate moments, spice things up with a surprise dinner-movie date:  The flick?  You guessed it.