Flirting Tales (page 9)
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Carrie is a litigation legal secretary for a computer company in Silicon Valley, California.

She likes to keep a low, but sexy profile. She flirts with men by inquiring about their previous relationships. Often times, she can tell what their deal is by how they answer her probing questions.

This too is a way of using flirting as part of a wider discovery tool to learn about a man. Look for body language in how he speaks of past girlfriends or ex-wives. Is he ready for another relationship? On the other hand, is he casually flirting? Looking away and up when he answers might be indicators that he has something to hide.

Grant is a social activist and is looking for another similar political-minded gal he can help change the world with. He often times strikes out with most women, who are put off with his strong political views.

Politics, like religion, is a sensitive subject to most and therefore do not make great flirting conversation subjects. As topics, they are best avoided. The key to remember when flirting is keeping things light and lively, just like that yogurt. The caveat is if you happen to be at a convention or rally for like-minded people who by participation will share similar political views. Otherwise, leave politics and religion out of your flirting.



Trisha just relocated to Fairhope, Alabama, and is an aspiring rock star. Her favorite band is REM and wants to date a guy that looks like the lead singer, Michael Stipes, who coincidentally is bald.

"I know it is a weird combination," she said, "but I like bald men and men that are musically talented. Hey I even like to keep my hair short."

If she wants to flirt with such men, we are sure she is familiar with the music locations where such men might be found. The bald thing, well there are lot of bald men so she should have no trouble finding someone that fits that bill.

The advice then is to make sure you know where people hang out who are interested in what you like. Usually a local entertainment weekly is great for finding such spots – especially if you're new in town like Trisha.


“Pissball” Peter is a union carpenter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He finds himself working regionally where the work takes him, lately as far south as New Orleans. This sometimes means he is out of town for months.

“I have a hard time flirting because I feel like I am not permanently located anywhere,” he said to “If I go out for a beer where I am working, women don’t see the point of flirting with a transient.”

First off, we advised Pissball Peter to loose the stupid nickname “pissball.” This is his real problem. In today’s day and age, people travel quite a bit and there is something called the internet. There are phones too and on those phones are numbers he can dial to call people. Then, when he is in that area again, he can pick up his flirting where he left off. However, nobody wants to flirt with a pissball (we don’t’ even want to know where that name came from). Loose “pissball” and the location thing won’t be such a big deal.


Jessica from Albuquerque is a yoga instructor and knows full well the value of posture, not only how it affects ones health but how it sends powerful non-verbal messages about one's willingness to flirt.

"On a nice day, I love arching over backwards and soaking in the sun on my face," she said, whimsically. "I like letting a man know I am at peace with my environment and if I find him cute, that he is part of that environment too."

The wisdom here is pay close to attention to your non-verbal messages. Just by sitting as if you have an ounce of energy, you convey a certain vibrancy that is naturally attractive to a potential flirt. Jessica is a first-class example of this technique.


Ann, who commutes over an hour to her job as communications manger in Philadelphia, is a cowgirl at heart and grew up on a farm in rural Pennsylvania. Her favorite memories involve square dancing at summer and fall festivals.

“The trouble is that I tend to go to these things with my parents and other relatives and everybody knows each other in town,” she mused. “Most of the guys are not the types I am really interested in…. I want a refined man that would like to have some good clean country fun.”

Our advice to Ann is to not assume men she works with in the big city, especially the City of Brotherly Love, would not be open to a good square dance. In our opinion, it is amazing how men enjoy doing anything with attractive young ladies, especially with ones such as Ann.

Kendal from Miami is a wedding photographer. He has ample time to flirt at weddings, especially when he walks from behind the camera and helps a pretty bridesmaid with her hair or bonnet.

“In photography, flirting comes built into the profession,” he said. “Woman love to look their best. I help them do that…”

Kendal appeals to woman with a stylish sense too. He works his profession and his personal taste to maximum effect.



Kim is a pharmacist in Pittsburg. and loves the soothing benefits of mediation, especially in the countryside of Pennsylvania.

“I want a mediation partner,” she confided to “The problem is that it is difficult to flirt as you mediate. At least, I am not sure how? I wish I knew a Buddhist monk that could give me some advice…”

Kim is best advised to remember the technique called “flirting by proximity.” This is to say, sometimes your proximity or repetitive proximity to someone, indicates you are interested. This is a very subtle form of flirting but two birds of a meditative feather should be attuned to such advances. A cute guy mediating will notice you if you continually strike up your lotus position shoulder to shoulder next to him.

Lisa is a travel coordinator in Tucson, Arizona. She loves to initiate flirting with men on the phone in the hope it could lead to an encounter in person.

“I am very interested in the men I talk to on the phone,” she said. “Often times if they sound fascinating, I will convince them to meet me in person to go over some travel plans.”

Lisa is wise in that she uses flirting on the phone as a way to screen men she might be interested in dating. We like this strategy. After all, how a person reacts to your flirting signals will tell you a lot about any possibility of building a relationship with that person.



Debbie is a tax accountant for Alcoa in Pittsburgh. She claims to have no problem flirting with men, much to the detriment of the guy she is currently dating.

“I usually flirt by the coffee area at work,” she smiled. “Usually I am fixing my green tea, but I time it so as to be there when the hot guys from payroll wander in for their morning break.”

Debbie makes great use of flirting zones, which most work places have in one form or another. For smokers, it is usually a designated area. But, it can be the copy room, the cafeteria, even a high traffic work area. So, if you want to flirt like Debbie, find those flirting areas where at your work. Just don’t tell the person you are dating.

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